Rock ‘N Denim

Hailing from the North Shore of Sydney, die hard Manly Sea Eagles fan Kai Brown has had an incredible life so far. Kai is an accomplished musician who has rocked the USA for the last 10 years and when he’s not surfing or pumping out the hits he is designing and creating these incredible denim designs for his company All My Relations worn by supermodels and instafamous people the world over.

First 20 minutes is the fashion and the rest is stories on Rock N Roll. Enjoy
Kai Brown and please subscribe on iTunes. If you’re feeling generous please sponsor us on to help us pay to make this show 🙂

Me and Kai at his studio in Stanmore.

Mikes Fashion weak

I knew they looked like something novel from my childhood and I figured it out. All you hipsters out there following the latest cutting edge fashion are really dressed like pappa smurf. Cool!!!!

"a hipster"

Tight pants – Check
Big Beard – Check
Beanie – Check

So now if the Pappa smurf look is in you have to go and find a date with a girl that dresses like Smurfette.
Actually come to think of it that would be like dating a midget Avatar in pokerdots. Nice, I think Im a little turned on right now.

I always wanted to grow a beard when I was young to impress the babes, but unfortunately my 17 year old beard would always look like storm clouds in a white sky or a milo face as I was once called. It just didn’t cut it. So if you’re too young to grow a pappa beard heres a cool idea that may help you. MAybe get nanna to make one for you or something. Awesome!!

Oh and heres a few beards that may not work. A trim or perhaps a complete shave.

Is that a beard or was he eating a Chihuahua?!??
That reminds me, Im hungry!
Thats all this week for Mikes Fashion Weak.