To book me please CALL Kathryn on 1300 66 95 85
or email
Contact Ric here:
Ok this is pretty self indulgent, but hey I have to let people know I’m back on the mike in voiceover land somehow.
I just recorded a new demo with my good buddies, Sydney voiceover legend Ric Herbert and Sydney audio engineer, super guru, Peter fast fingers McCorquodale from Crocodile studios at Rozelle in Sydney. I have been barking at the stick in the padded cell (voiceover booth) since I was a kid and just when I thought I knew everything, I learnt something new from some clever old dogs. Actually that is a shit analogy but you know what I mean. I get people e mailing me about VO work every week asking for advice and my advice is pay the money and get a coach, work with experienced people, always look for different angles and styles to change your approach and perspective on a script. Ric Herbert and Peter McCorquodale do amazing work together and I highly recommend them if you’re putting together a new VO demo. This is what they look like, but don’t let that put you off because they are extremely talented, smell quite nice and are very friendly. If you’re reading this thanks again guys!!

My agent is Kathryn Scott 1300 66 95 85